Out bound training

About Naval and Maritime Academy
The Sri Lanka Naval and Maritime Academy was established on 15 January 1967, and was subsequently commissioned on 15 July 1967 with Instructor Commander M. G. S. Perera as the first Commandant, taking over responsibility for officer training from the Britannia Royal Naval College at Dartmouth, England. As well as initial officer training the NMA conducts Sub Lieutenant Technical Courses for Executive, Logistic and NPM branch officers, in addition to training other officer grades such as Direct Entry (Degree holders), Service Entry & Short Service commissioned schemes. The Officer Cadet Entry scheme has been accredited to the University of Kelaniya since 2001. The academy at present is accredited to Kotalawala Defence University, and is expanding to meet the naval and national demands. All officer trainees who undergo the stipulated programme receive a Bachelor of Science Degree in Naval and Maritime Studies, Naval Studies and Naval Logistics Management. MA also conducts the Long Logistics Management Course which is the first ever long specialization course leading to a MBA degree. It also regularly conducts an 18-week-long Junior Naval Staff Course. In 2015 a long specialization course for middle level executive officers in the fields of Navigation, Communication, Gunnery and ASW was begun. Training for naval ratings encompasses phase III and advanced training courses comprised with branch training, specialization training, mechanical and technical training.
                           This was an amazing training program that i faced.it was on trincomalee we did nice group activities to build our Team working skills.

Day 1
Approximately at 9 am we came to the destination and the Naval camp was so beautiful. After a hour of resting we were told to get ready for training program then we visit the beach area. Before that we were divided to teams knows as “Alpha”, “Bravo”, “Charile” and “Delta”. I was on team “Bravo”. Then we were given a task to choose 8 team members from the team and those guys must go through a wooden rectangle which was tied to wooden sticks using threads. The rectangle represents a electrical wire so if somebody touch it, it could be harmful. SO we have to put the all 8 members thorough that wooden rectangle without touching it. I had to complete the task before team “Alpha” does. Finally, we were able to beat team alpha.

The next task was to roll a ball through pipes. It’s kind of difficult because the ball is going so fast through pipes. The goal was to take that ball to finish line through pipes before the other team does. But sadly, another team won this event before we do. The reason was we didn’t have good strategy and many people were tried to lead the team. I think that’s why we failed this event.

Our next activity was to fill a cylinder (which have many holes) from the sea water. But the thing was we must use our own body to shut those holes. Before our team starting this activity, we discussed a strategy then we decided to lay one of our team member of the beach and set the cylinder on his stomach. Then few people were covering the holes while we ran to get sea water from our hands and mouth. It was very funny and joyful event. After few minutes we were able to fill the cylinder before the other team. We have won the event. We were able won it because we had a good strategy and our team members were willing to do anything to win.

Then our third activity is being to move 10 team members to the finish line, but the catch was we were separated by wooden logs between each other and we must move without failing them. Other thing was we must tide our hands behind our necks and if someone on the team took his/her hand out then we had to move to start line and start again. Before beginning this activity, we choose a leader, so he can guide the team. Then we started the activity and it was difficult than we thought. We slowly moved forward, and the leader give us commands when to stop or start moving. When some wooden logs looses between two group members leader told us to stop moving so that the wooden log can tidily fit between those group members. Like that we were able to cross the finish line with the fastest time and we have won the 1st place.

Then again after 10 minutes break we were give a task to throw a volleyball over the netting of the volleyball court using a piece of cloth. To do this we choose 5 team members. 4 of them was on the side of volleyball court and other one was the other side of volleyball court. The 4 guys put the volleyball on the cloth. but before that we came up with a strategy which was 2 members of team grab 2 corners from the cloth and hold it on ground level while other 2 people push the cloth upwards to throw the ball over the netting. But sadly, our first attempt was failed but all the other 4 attempts were a success. Finally, we were able won that event as well.
Then again after 10 minutes break we were give a task to throw a volleyball over the netting of the volleyball court using a piece of cloth. To do this we choose 5 team members. 4 of them was on the side of volleyball court and other one was the other side of volleyball court. The 4 guys put the volleyball on the cloth. but before that we came up with a strategy which was 2 members of team grab 2 corners from the cloth and hold it on ground level while other 2 people push the cloth upwards to throw the ball over the netting. But sadly, our first attempt was failed but all the other 4 attempts were a success. Finally, we were able won that event as well.
As for the final activity we were given to pull a rope (“Kamba Adima”). To that we choose the most 8 strongest team members in our team. Other teams did that as well because of that the event was competitive. First, we got the chance to participate and after very tiresome few minutes we were able to grab the victory but most of team member were very tired. In the second round again, we were able to win the round easily than before because the other team didn’t have much organized. Then we came to the final round! Amazingly we were able to win that round as well and we won the championship.

Then after that event we were informed that there will be a Variety Show with a camp fire. For the variety show each of team was set to perform a drama or a song to entertain other teams. Before beginning the event, we were set back to our hostels and rest for a while and came to beach again at 7 PM. The show was started, and we had the first event. Our team decided to sing three songs and we sing those songs pretty good. Then again, we needed to do a drama for that there hasn’t been enough time to practice it. So, we practiced the drama while other teams performs events. After few minutes of practicing drama our chance came. I think we did a good, funny drama and most people were happy about it. Then we took our dinner while enjoying the beach.

Day 2

On the next day morning after having a delicious breakfast, we were taken to the forest for a compass march. We were taught on how to use a compass to find your way if you get lost in the forest. It was an exciting as well as quite exhaustive journey! After walking some distance, we met a person who had got injured himself by falling down from a tree. There our navy officers explained to us on what we should do on such a situation, how to give basic first aid and also emphasized that how much strategic thinking is important in such a situation. After quite a long walk in the forest, we finally managed to come to the beach.

 Next, we went to see the Maritime and Naval Museum where we saw some ruins and leftovers from the war and we were given the chance to see some of the technologies that the navy has.

After lunch we set to leave the camp and go back to the university with a bunch of new memories to last our lifetime. At outline we strongly believe that outbound training can be the key element of developing a tight knit, effective and high-performance teams for the organisation that we are going to work in future. So, all those activities could teach us lot of things which will be much important in our future. So, we must be thankful to the Navy camp and our madam miss Sarasi to giving us a such an amazing opportunity.


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